Derbyshire Hearth Tax Assessment for Ollerset

1662 - 70

There are at least two Hearth Tax Assessments extant for the New Mills area - 1662 and 1670.

This Hearth Tax Assessment is an extract from `Derbyshire Hearth Tax Assessments 1662 - 70.` edited by David G. Edwards and published by the Derbyshire Record Society.

Mr Bradbury


Thurston Ridgway


Widd. Bennet


Widd. Rollinson


Tho Downes


Edw. Shirt


Edw. Wild


Tho. Bradbury


James Beard


John Rowbothom


Mr John Bradbury


Will. Wild


Edw. Downes


Tho. Booth


Tho. Boare


Edw. Boare
